Junior Years

At Wangaratta High School our Junior Years includes all students and programs from Years 7 to 8. Students in our Middle Years are provided with a broad range of challenging programs reflective of the diversity of our broader community and are fortunate to be involved in quality, personalised, learning programs and co-curricular opportunities.

The Junior Years are led by a team that includes a Leading Teacher and Year Level Leaders.

Some of these include: an extensive music program, World Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh Award, International Exchange Programs and a variety of sporting and extension activities.Students are able to select from a broad range of courses so as to provide alternative pathways beyond secondary school.

Junior Years

Course Structure

Year 7

In Year 7, students study a common core curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Health and Physical Education (HAPE). Students undertake the majority of their classes in mentor groups and all students study Italian.

Art and Technology subjects are rotated across Years 7 and 8. This ensures that all students are able to try a range of Art and Technology subjects to support future elective choice and to gain an understanding of pathway options.



Wangaratta High School 7 2024 – Booklist

Lilydale Books is our official school textbook provider. They can deliver books at the start of the school year, or any time throughout the year. Their website includes the full ordering process and our most up to date book lists.

Junior Years

Course Structure

Year 8

In Year 8, students study a common core curriculum and rotate through Art and Technology subjects. Students undertake the majority of their classes in mentor groups and all students study Italian.



Wangaratta High School 8 2024 – Booklist

Lilydale Books is our official school textbook provider. They can deliver books at the start of the school year, or any time throughout the year. Their website includes the full ordering process and our most up to date book lists.

Macquarie Literature


Wangaratta High School has a trained MacqLit provider to deliver the MacqLit program to all students who need some help with their reading.

Our assistant works with small groups for up to an hour a day, four or five times a week, using the carefully structured MacqLit materials. The program consists of a comprehensive sequence of lessons that includes all the key components necessary for effective reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

MacqLit has been developed by MultiLit, a research-based initiative of Macquarie University. Many decades of research into reading have shown teachers how best to teach reading and MacqLit uses these research-based teaching methods.