Wellbeing Team

Wellbeing Team
The School’s Wellbeing Team is available to students from all levels, to offer assistance with any difficulties they may be experiencing. At all times the information of both parents and students is treated confidentially.

Practical information as well as referral to community support and specialists can be provided. Students may contact the Wellbeing Team personally at the Wellbeing Centre or via their Homeroom Teacher.

You can contact them directly via the Compass app, or by contacting the school directly

Staff email addresses are in the format of firstname.lastname@education.vic.gov.au

Louisa Hayes

Louisa Hayes

Wellbeing Coordinator & Social Worker

Louisa has a Diploma in Community Welfare and has worked in the welfare field for the last 15 years. Louisa’s training and practice includes Family Violence, Mental Health, ASIST, Risk Assessment, Trauma Informed Practice and Child/Adolescent Development. Louisa is available to support both students and families and can refer to relevant support services within the community. Louisa is able to access schooling needs including uniforms and prescription glasses for families who are experiencing financial hardship

Sam Jones

Sam Jones

School Psychologist & Mental Health Practitioner

Sam is a registered psychologist with AHPRA and has a background in providing mental health support to children, adolescents and families in public mental health settings.

Sam holds dual roles at Wangaratta High School. In her role as School Psychologist, Sam has supported the implementation of department-led disability reform including the implementation of reasonable adjustments to support students’ academic engagement.

In her role as Mental Health Practitioner, Sam supports the delivery of targeted early intervention and universal programs to promote mental health and wellbeing within the school community. With consent from caregivers Sam is also available to offer individual support to students with mild to moderate mental health difficulties.

Jess Byrne

Jess Byrne

School Counsellor

Jess comes to Wangaratta High School as a School Counsellor with a wealth of experience. Jess has worked in remote Queensland with kids at risk, worked at headspace, Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation and has completed training in Drug and Alcohol misuse. Jess has a passion for working with adolescents and is a valuable part of our team.

Shannon Treacy

Shannon Treacy

School Nurse

Shannon is a qualified Registered Nurse provided to the School by the Department of Human Services. The purpose of the Secondary School Nursing Program is to support health promotion and primary prevention strategies within the school community and to reduce risk-taking behaviours for our students. Shannon is at the school two days a week and is available for individual student and family support.

Wellbeing Resources

We hope you find these general resources helpful. More specific support and additional resources are available from our Wellbeing Team. Please see the listing of staff above.

Parents: looking after yourself | Raising Children Network Resources on looking after yourself as a parent.

Parent Wellbeing | Parentline Resources and tips on promoting your wellbeing as a parent.

Beyond Blue | Personal Best | Information and tips on maintaining your wellbeing.

Wellbeing resources and information| Black Dog Institute Information on ways to wellbeing.

Self-care for family | headspace Information on self-care for parents with a child who is experiencing mental health difficulties.

Mental health online tools and apps |Black Dog Institute A list of digital tools and apps to support your mental health and wellbeing.

Self-help resources|LETSS Self-help resources that can be personalised by you or by your child to aid wellbeing.