Registration for Year 7 2025

We invite you to submit your details to assist with enrolment.

Submitting your details here is optional, but will assist with clear and timely communication from the High School and reduce the incidence of administrative errors and we encourage all parents/carers who are considering enrolling their child at the High School to complete the online form. There is a concurrent important paper-based enrolment process that all primary schools initiate.

The Department of Education has set the date that Secondary Schools can distribute placement offers for Year 7 2025 as Thursday 18th July 2024. After this date we contact parents/carers to finalise enrollment for mainstream and SEAL, but we are not permitted to do so before this date. If this causes any concerns, please make contact so we can assist and advise.

Every Victorian student has a legislated right to enrol at their designated neighbourhood school (section 2.2.13 of the Act), and may be enrolled at another school subject to sufficient accommodation (section 2.2.14 of the Act).

Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria. It is worth noting, however, that Wangaratta High School does enrol many students from outside its zone as there is ordinarily capacity.

Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.

Upon enrolment. more detailed information is collected about parents/carers, emergency contacts etc

Further information about our Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) program is here:

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Childs Name
enter the name of the child you intend to enrol in Year 7 2025
Please enter here, if the Primary School was not listed
Residential address of child
Type of enrolment
please refer to our website for further information. Mainstream enrolment is standard Year 7 enrolment for the vast majority of students. There are specific requirements for SEAL enrolment. If you still have not decided or are unsure, please select the 'Either' option. You can change at any stage

Main adult contact for the enrolment

Parent/Carer A Name
Parent/Carer A Email
if the relationship category is not listed in the previous question

Secondary contact for the enrolment (optional)

Parent/Carer B Name
Parent/Carer B Email
if the relationship category is not listed in the previous question

Other information (optional)

Would you like any of the following?
Our Enrolment Officer will make contact with you to organise

Transition to Year 7

Wangaratta High School offers a personalised and comprehensive program for all students starting out with us in Year 7.  Our Transition Program offers all incoming students the opportunity to meet their teachers for the new year as well as get to know their classmates.

Bring Your Own Device Overview

Bring Your Device Order Portal

The devices nominated on the portal have been selected by Wangaratta High School to best meet the curriculum and technical requirements of the school. There are a number of options associated with the devices so please read the information carefully.

For further information and to access the order portal, click here.

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